Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
Class Trematoda Ex: Flukes
Class Cestoda Ex: Tapeworm
Class Turbellaria Ex:Dugesia
Class Monogenea Ex: Polystoma
Phylum Nemertea (Ribbon Worm)
Phylum Nematoda (Round Worm)
Phylum Rotifera (Rotifers)
General Body Plan
General Anatomy
Anatomy of Dugesia or PlanariaSource: |
Anatomy of Rotifer
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Life Cycles of Parasitic Worms
Class Trematoda Clonorchis sinesis (Liver Fluke)
Shelled Embryo-->Miracidium-->SNAIL-->sporpcyst-->redia--> cercaria-->metacecaria in FISH's muscles --> HUMAN's liver
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Shelled Embryo-->Miracidium -->SNAIL-->sporocyst-->cercaria--> HUMAN's liver
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Taeniarhynchus saginatus (Beef's Tapeworm)
Shelled Embryo (in proglottid)--> consumed by cattle-->onchospheres in blood-->cysticercus (bladder worm) in beef muscle --> HUMAN's intestine
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Ascaris lubricoides (Intestine roundworm)
Shelled Embryo (in feces)--> Shelled larvae develop on soil--> shelled larvae ingested by humans with food or water--> larvae emerge in duodenum then enter blood stream--> in lung, move to trachea, esophagus--> HUMAN's intestine.
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Shelled Embryo (in feces)--> Larvae developed in soil--> Larvae grow-->larvae attach, penetrate skin, enter blood stream--> in lung,enter alveoli-->bronchi-->esophagus--> HUMAN's intestine.
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Enterobius vermicularis (Pinworm)
In Human's intestine and cecum-> females migrate to anus at night--> deposited shelled embryos causes itching-->fingernails and clothing pick up shelled embryos--> reinfection of self. food, water, air, dust--> hatch in duodenum.
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